Six (6) reasons why Suppliers should register now for TravelMart LatinAmerica (TMLA ’18).

Suppliers who wait to register for TravelMart LatinAmerica (TMLA) lose valuable business opportunities. Here are 6 reasons why registering early can improve a Supplier’s results and experience at TMLA: There is always a “wait list” for accepting TMLA Supplier registrations to make sure there is a productive “balance” between Buyers and Suppliers. This long standing […]
Six (6) reasons why Buyers should register early for TravelMart LatinAmerica (TMLA ’18)

Sometimes registering late for an event doesn’t make much difference. But here are 6 reasons why registering now to attend TMLA can improve a Buyer’s results and experience: There is usually a “wait list” for accepting Buyer registrations, especially from larger origination markets. Interest in this year’s Buenos Aires venue is very strong, and it’s […]