January 31, 2018

Six (6) reasons why Suppliers should register now for TravelMart LatinAmerica (TMLA ’18).

Suppliers who wait to register for TravelMart LatinAmerica (TMLA) lose valuable business opportunities. Here are 6 reasons why registering early can improve a Supplier’s results and experience at TMLA: There is always a “wait list” for accepting TMLA Supplier registrations to make sure there is a productive “balance” between Buyers and Suppliers. This long standing […]

Six (6) reasons why Buyers should register early for TravelMart LatinAmerica (TMLA ’18)

Sometimes registering late for an event doesn’t make much difference.  But here are 6 reasons why registering now to attend TMLA can improve a Buyer’s results and experience: There is usually a “wait list” for accepting Buyer registrations, especially from larger origination markets. Interest in this year’s Buenos Aires venue is very strong, and it’s […]

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