August 2018

I is for Incentive Travel

Incentive travel to B.A.: Si!  Well endowed with experienced DMCs, plus an inventory of luxury and superior hotels, Buenos Aires is a destination tailormade for incentive programs that heighten employee motivation and productivity, wow experiences that reward achievement.   The city, for instance, offers unique venues for wine tasting and dining, dazzling tango performances and dance […]

H is for Hippodromo Argentino

Hippodromo Argentino in Palermo is Argentina’s main race course is definitely worth a visit, particularly for horse racing fans, but also because the prize Argentine thoroughbreds are beautiful to watch in action. Races are held Mondays and Friday-Sunday, 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. The most important event on the racing calendar is the Gran Premio […]

G is for Gaucho and Great Gardens

Gaucho culture comes to Buenos Aires during the Feria de Matadores, when these Argentine cowboys come from the countryside with their displays of horsemanship (the Race of the Ring event, for example), handicrafts, live music, folk dancing and lots and lots of empanadas. Held in the authentic Matadores neighborhood, where cattle were traditionally brought in […]

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