Tour Information

Explore Lima and the rest of Peru!

Take advantage of your trip to explore Peru.  If you only have limited time, register for a Day Tour.

Below you will find links to discounted Pre and Post Tours offered by Registered Peru Suppliers. Click on the “Tour Description” of the tour to be directed to a PDF document (or similar) with a description of the tour and contact details on how to register for the tour.

NOTE: For tours that require the purchase of an airline ticket, check with the operator offering the tour to assist with pricing.  

If you do not receive a reply in a timely manner (within 2 business days) from the Supplier offering the tour, please contact our office for assistance at E-Mail or Phone: 800-874-2324 USA/Canada; 904-398-6777.

Tours will be posted online as they are received. (Last Update: February 3, 2025)

Tour Name (coming soon)
Tour Description
# of Days (coming soon)

Contact Email: (coming soon)


It is understood that William H. Coleman, Inc. (WHC), shall have no liability for injury to any persons or for loss of and/or damage to, goods or property of participants prior to, subsequent to, and during the time of the event, and the participant expressly releases WHC against all claims which may be caused or contributed to by any person acting on behalf of, or otherwise representing this event.

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