Just thinking…. Random thoughts from our Company Founder. (#2)

Just thinking…. Random thoughts from our Company Founder. (#2)

Just thinking….

Random thoughts from our Company Founder. (#2)

Just thinking about how much work it takes to successfully attend trade shows, seminars, and other promotional events.  As an Event Organizing Company, we sometimes get so wrapped up in putting everything together that I wonder if we sometimes over-look how much planning and hard work it takes for delegates to make the most of their time and money investments.

I think success starts with planning and answering the basic questions: “What do I want to accomplish at this event?”  Like everything in life, having a clear objective sets the direction and tone:

  • “Do we want to solidify existing client relationships?”
  • “Are we looking for new clients, and if so…who are they and how can we help them?”
  • “Do we want to introduce new products, pricing, and promotion?”

Pretty simple stuff, but you would be surprised at how many times these “basics” are either forgotten or overlooked.

Events like ours featuring a Pre-Scheduled Appointments format provide structure, and help organize this process.  Traditional Trade Show formats sometimes make organizing appointments with clients and prospects more challenging, but it’s where and when success starts.

Thinking about the basics, I’m reminded of another event basic: “Bring energy and a positive attitude.” Disappointments can happen at events including poor logistics, a lousy location, and not very many advance appointments to name just a few.  I think the truly successful people at events are the ones who refuse to get angry or let their disappointments affect their dispositions and attitudes.  Life happens.  I think successful people find the ways to manage disappointments, and to “keep on keeping on.”

I think the “after event” follow-up can make the difference between success and failure.  When we get back to the office or “back on the road” after attending an event, it’s easy to get caught up in the “new” issues and problems. The next thing we know a couple of weeks have slipped by, we’ve lost business cards, and misplaced meeting notes. Opportunities lost.  This is when the “do it now” discipline must kick in; send that email, make that call, prepare that proposal.

In today’s digital world, attending trade shows, seminars, and other events help create and build personal business relationships.  But, it takes hard work.  It’s what successful executives understand.  And do.

That’s what I think.
Bill Coleman

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