How TravelMart LatinAmerica (TMLA) continues to provide value and results.

How TravelMart LatinAmerica (TMLA) continues to provide value and results.

Year after year TravelMart LatinAmerica Buyers, Suppliers, Sponsors, and Hosts report TMLA consistently offers opportunities, results, and value. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Buyers are senior executives representing Tour Operator organizations from worldwide markets who make “rates and dates” decisions. These “decision makers” are interested in Latin America destinations, pay a registration fee, and arrange their own air transportation. They are serious. There are no “hosted Buyers” at TMLA.
  • Every Central and South America tourism destination is represented at TMLA. New and emerging products are introduced every year, joining the established and traditional Latin America services.
  • The “Select-Match” pre-scheduled appointments format makes sure Buyers and Suppliers have productive meetings. There is no other system like it. Anywhere!
  • TMLA is “personal.” The latest technology has not replaced the “personal touch.” Every Delegate’s experience and results are important.
  • Attendance is limited to make sure the number of Buyers and Suppliers is “balanced.” There is always a wait list.
  • New systems and technology are constantly introduced, including an expanding social media presence, and a new “Make the Most at TMLA” On-Site Mobile App.
  • Hosts and Sponsors invest the hard work and financial resources to make sure everyone experiences true “Latin America Hospitality.”

There are a lot of trade shows, seminars, and Travel Industry events.

But there is only one TravelMart LatinAmerica.

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