It’s the Buyers & Suppliers That Make TravelMart LatinAmerica (TMLA) Special.

TravelMart LatinAmerica (TMLA) has remained the premier annual business development event for Latin America Tourism since 1978 by providing a valuable and personal experience for Buyers, Suppliers, Sponsors, and Hosts. The world has changed dramatically since the first TMLA in Lima, Peru over 40 years ago, but one very critical component of this respected Travel […]
How to join the Elite Group of TravelMart LatinAmerica (TMLA) Sponsors!

Attending TravelMart LatinAmerica (TMLA) is a valuable personal and professional experience for Buyers and Suppliers, and it is especially productive for Sponsors. Every TMLA Sponsorship option is specifically tailored to meet Sponsor budgets and business development goals. TMLA’19 Quito Sponsorship opportunities currently include: Host a “Working Lunch.” Become a Platinum Sponsor. Sponsor the new “On-Site […]
Here’s how TMLA ’18 Hosts & Sponsors will help You experience ALL of Argentina!

TravelMart LatinAmerica ’18 Buyers and Suppliers September 19-21 will personally experience what the Host City Buenos Aires can offer their clients. The Argentina Receptive Tour Operators providing transportation and support services during TMLA have prepared special pre and post tour opportunities for Delegates to do even more, and to see all of Argentina! Argentina is […]
The Buyers & Suppliers Make TravelMart LatinAmerica (TMLA) Special

TravelMart LatinAmerica (TMLA) has remained the premier annual business development event for Latin America Tourism since 1978 by providing a valuable and personal experience for Buyers, Suppliers, Sponsors, and Hosts. The world has changed dramatically since the first TMLA in Lima, Peru over 40 years ago, but one very critical component of this respected Travel […]
Join the elite Group of TravelMart LatinAmerica (TMLA) Sponsors!

When the leading Latin America Travel Industry Companies and Tourism Organizations register to attend TravelMart LatinAmerica (TMLA) several additional exciting promotional opportunities become available to them. A variety of Sponsorship options enable them to dramatically expand their TMLA business development results and success: Host a Food Function. (Usually a luncheon.) Become a Platinum Sponsor. Sponsor […]
It’s all about results and value!

TravelMart LatinAmerica (TMLA) Buyers, Suppliers, and Sponsors tell us it’s all about the results and value. Here are a few statistics from follow-up personal interviews and surveys about TMLA ’17 in Guayaquil, Ecuador: 75% of the Suppliers tell us their TMLA ’17 experience was “Excellent” and “Good.” Almost ALL the Buyers, 96%, rate their experience […]
Six (6) reasons why Suppliers should register now for TravelMart LatinAmerica (TMLA ’18).

Suppliers who wait to register for TravelMart LatinAmerica (TMLA) lose valuable business opportunities. Here are 6 reasons why registering early can improve a Supplier’s results and experience at TMLA: There is always a “wait list” for accepting TMLA Supplier registrations to make sure there is a productive “balance” between Buyers and Suppliers. This long standing […]
Six (6) reasons why Buyers should register early for TravelMart LatinAmerica (TMLA ’18)

Sometimes registering late for an event doesn’t make much difference. But here are 6 reasons why registering now to attend TMLA can improve a Buyer’s results and experience: There is usually a “wait list” for accepting Buyer registrations, especially from larger origination markets. Interest in this year’s Buenos Aires venue is very strong, and it’s […]
Part 5 of 5 of Blog Series: Everything you wanted to know about GUAYAQUIL… but were afraid to ask!

Size matters… With its semi-circle of columns and the black figures that emerge below it, La Rotonda immortalizes one of South America’s most important moments in history. The day when, in the city of Guayaquil, the independence leaders from north (Simón Bolívar) and south (José de San Martín) met for the first time. The monument […]
Part 4 of 5 of Blog Series: Everything you wanted to know about GUAYAQUIL… but were afraid to ask!

The Guayas, Ecuador’s “chocolate milk” river… The great River Guayas is formed of water that has traversed the entire country; water from glaciers, páramo, subtropics, foothills and coastal plains. Technically, it is born of its two tributaries, the Babahoyo and the Daule, adjacent to Cerro Santa Ana. It is the most symbolic river in Ecuador. […]