Part 3 of 5 of Blog Series: Everything you wanted to know about GUAYAQUIL… but were afraid to ask!

The most wretched pirates… During five days in 1709, pirate Woodes Rogers and his crew sojourned in Guayaquil, taking their sweet old time to loot the city’s every house (including the tombs of the cemetery), taking with them a 400-ton sculpture of Saint Vincent. English-Dutch George d’ Hout and his men, in April 1687, also […]
Part 2 of 5 of Blog Series: Everything you wanted to know about GUAYAQUIL… but were afraid to ask!

A Tale of Two Teams… Passion for one of Guayaquil’s two rival football/soccer teams is central to Guayaquileño identity. You are either a barcelonista or an emelexista. There’s no grey area. No middle ground. Fans prepare for weeks (sometimes months) for the big derby day. The stands fill to capacity. Matches are played to the […]
Part 1 of 5 of Blog Series: Everything you wanted to know about GUAYAQUIL… but were afraid to ask!

Malecón Simón Bolívar, Guayaquil’s makeover The riverside walkway has had its share of names. For several years after its intensive regeneration process, it was known as Malecón 2000, referring to the year in which it was completed. The project turned the space into the splendid riverbank promenade we can enjoy today. Visionary on many fronts, […]
Buyers: Why should I request appointments?!

“New” Buyers who are attending TravelMart LatinAmerica (TMLA) for the first time sometimes ask us why they should request appointments. It’s a good question, and we always tell them Buyers are not required to request appointments, but having appointments already scheduled makes their time at TMLA more productive and valuable. Here’s why: Select-Match is one […]
Suppliers: “Why Didn’t I Get All My Appointments?!”

Occasionally we get this question from TravelMart LatinAmerica (TMLA) Suppliers! Not often, but every once in a while. The TMLA “Select Match” pre-scheduled appointments system is constantly refined and updated; there isn’t another system like it. Anywhere. But mistakes can and do happen, but usually Suppliers’ disappointment in their appointments schedule happens because of a […]
How TravelMart LatinAmerica (TMLA) continues to provide value and results.

[vc_row 0=””][vc_column 0=””][vc_column_text 0=””]Year after year TravelMart LatinAmerica Buyers, Suppliers, Sponsors, and Hosts report TMLA consistently offers opportunities, results, and value. Here are a few reasons why: Buyers are senior executives representing Tour Operator organizations from worldwide markets who make “rates and dates” decisions. These “decision makers” are interested in Latin America destinations, pay a […]
Why TravelMart LatinAmerica (TMLA) Has Provided Results Since 1978

Surveys and personal interviews confirm that 96% of Buyers at TravelMart LatinAmerica ’16 (TMLA) held last year in Iguassu Falls, Brazil report TMLA was “very productive” and/or “productive.” These survey results have been consistent since the first TravelMart LatinAmerica over 40 years ago in Lima, Peru. Here are the Top 5 reasons why TMLA meets […]
Top 5 reasons why TravelMart LatinAmerica (TMLA) Suppliers should register early.
Waiting until the last minute to register for TMLA can cause Suppliers to lose opportunities. Here are 5 ways registering early can improve a Supplier’s results and experience at TMLA. There is always a “wait list” for accepting Supplier registrations to provide a productive “balance” between participating Buyers and Suppliers. (Helps avoid the “not enough […]
Top 5 reasons why TravelMart LatinAmerica (TMLA) Buyers should register early.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Waiting until the last minute to register for an event usually doesn’t make much difference. But here are 5 reasons why registering early can improve a Buyer’s results and experience at TMLA. There is usually a “wait list” for accepting Buyer registrations, especially from larger and more “active” origination markets. (Wait Lists provide a productive […]
What Buyers Want

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] A Buyer Suggests…. “How Suppliers Should Request Appointments!” Note: Here are some suggestions from an experienced Buyer who has been participating at “pre-scheduled appointments events” for more than 30 years. This Buyer submitted these ideas confidentially, but we will share his/her identity with you if you contact us by E MAIL. Background Most, if […]